The Higby Herald - October 2010

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The Higby Herald

Genesis book coverDear Friends,

The book of Genesis in Fulfulde is now in print and is in the process of being distributed to the Fulani in Mali. The process took way longer than we had anticipated, but it is finished at last. Please pray for the distribution of God's Word! We eagerly await reports of its reception among the Fulani. Thank you for standing together with us to make this happen through your prayers and financial gifts!

We could complain that life is too busy, but then I'm not sure we are doing anything we didn't volunteer for. Besides, you are probably living life in the fast lane yourselves and we wouldn't be met with a whole lot of sympathy. But we aren't complaining... not yet. Somehow we enjoy every part of what we are doing and feel God's sustaining grace in all things. Here are the needs we are currently responding to:

There are numerous French-speaking Bible translators who only have access to a limited set of translation helps in contrast to the vast amount of materials available in English. In addition, as SIL sets up training programs to teach linguistics and translation in Africa, all of the training materials must exist both in English and in French. Fortunately, there are a number of volunteer translators around the world who can translate from English to French, but someone was needed to coordinate this work. Priscilla has taken on the role of coordinating the French translation for half her time.

The director at the International School of Ouagadougou (where our boys attend) is leaving at the end of this year. Someone was needed to head the short-term ad-hoc committee to find his replacement. Priscilla has agreed to chair the committee and is arranging interviews with new potential directors.

Marilyn Schmidt is a colleague of ours in Burkina Faso. She is the Personnel Director and is responsible to assist with various member-related activities and personnel processing, including members, prospective members, and short-termers. Just two weeks ago, Marilyn became ill with a severe form of malaria and was treated back home in Canada where she will remain for some time as she recovers. Priscilla was asked to cover for Marilyn while she is gone, which is another half time assignment. Please pray for complete restoration of Marilyn's health.

Our last newsletter announced the formation of the Language Technology Department in SIL, with a goal of getting the most appropriate technology and training to our language teams around the globe. But the creation of the department meant that someone was needed to manage it. I (Doug) have been asked to take on the role of International Language Technology Coordinator. As I write this, I am heading back home from Thailand where we just had our second meeting of the five regional coordinators. Heading this department means that I will have to find others in Africa to take some of my current responsibilities. Please pray for wisdom for my new international role, and for others to help assume the responsibility of coordinating the training in Africa.

Henry is doing well in college and we keep up via Skype calls and Facebook. Kevin just came back from a three day wilderness expedition where he and a few friends were dropped off 30 miles outside of Ouagadougou near an area we've been to for picnics in the past. I think their idea was to leave as boys and come back men. But, of course, with college looming in the near future there isn't much we'll be able to do to delay that.

Partners in the Gospel,

Doug & Priscilla Higby

Please note Henry's college address:

Henry Higby
Calvin College Bolt 311,
3200 Knight Way SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546-4407

Praise & Prayer

  • Praise God for the book of Genesis in Fulfulde, and pray that this portion of God's Word would increase interest in the Gospel among the Fulani.
  • Praise God for Doug's appointment as International Language Technology Coordinator. Pray that he would be used to promote the effective use of technology in the work of Bible translation around the world.
  • Praise God for Priscilla's new positions that will make use of her administrative gifts to further Kingdom work.
  • Pray for Marilyn Schmidt as she recovers from her bout with malaria, that she may regain full health and be refreshed by her family and friends in Canada.