Fulfulde Audio NT is finally available!

Dear Friends,
We have the Fulfulde audio New Testament! After months of waiting, we finally got the message today that our team’s hard work in January and February has paid off. Today, you can pull up the dramatized version of the Fulfulde New Testament from your web browser by going to Bible.is and searching for “Fulfulde, Maasina”. Or you can go directly to this link to hear my (Doug’s) favorite part :
When you play the audio, skip ahead to 4:00 minutes (or -6:16) to hear the angel announcing to Mary that she would conceive, and then hear her response. You won’t understand a word, but we think you’ll be able to appreciate it just the same.
Although ten years have gone by since the printed copy was dedicated, it is only today that God’s Word has truly become unchained for a people who are highly illiterate and can now hear God's Word for the first time. The moment we got the news, we forwarded the link to our friends in West Africa and called them to let them know they could start listening, downloading, and distributing on cell phones. Rejoice with us for God’s provision! We can’t wait to see the impact this has on the small body of believers over there. But it’s not over yet… In our next newsletter you’ll be hearing about audio devices and ways to distribute this beyond the Internet.
We wrote last time about our ten-week ministry trip in Thailand and places in Europe. Now we’ve been back since early June and it has been nice to have time to settle in our new home and spend time with our boys: Henry and Kaitlyn, Kevin and Sara, and Roger who lives with us.
We didn’t plan any trips for the summer and have been able to catch up on office work. Our desks face each other in the room we’ve turned into an office, where P.J. is publishing SIL’s materials on the Kindle, and I (Doug) am preparing for a major new release of the Bible translation software used by translators globally. Working from our home office is so much nicer than our mobile office while we travel. Large computer monitors, placed at eye-level and our preferred chairs—P.J. on an inflatable ball, and me on a kneeling chair. We can work all day without getting stiff muscles in our backs and shoulders. But living in a house built in 1949 comes with its own distractions to keep us from turning into office zombies.
We’re using our vacation time over the course of the summer to do all the work our place needs. When we moved in during the winter, all we could do with the drafty place was to put plastic over the worst windows. Now that its warmer we can repair all of the windows with new glazing and paint, and other projects like insulating the attic. The nice part is that we both enjoy doing home-owner projects, although we feel like we are trying to make up for all those years overseas in one fell swoop on an extremely limited budget. We are extremely thankful for Craig’s list free items, our local community classifieds, and ReStore – a “Home Depot” for missionaries.
We will be travelling again from early September through mid-December, and will be reporting on the road. We pray God’s blessings on you and hope that you can share in our excitement. Pray that God will bless His Word among the Fulani!
Partners in the Gospel, (Phil 1:5)
Doug & P.J. Higby
Prayer & Praise
- Praise God for the completed audio New Testament!
- Pray that lives will be changed through the gripping dramatic narratives of the Gospels.
- Pray for Doug as he plans global workshops in Thailand and Burkina Faso to train trainers in the new version of the Paratext translation software.
- Pray for P.J. as she works to publish an ebook that will be used in the Applied Linguistics training classes.