Hello Friends,
Priscilla and I celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary in May. Reflecting back over our years together, Germany will soon be the sixth country we’ve called home for a year or more since we started out in 1990! From the US, to Belgium, to Côte d’Ivoire, to Mali, to Burkina Faso, and now Germany—God continues to lead us into areas of fruitful ministry for His Kingdom.
Last month we shared about the workshop in Nairobi where I (Doug) taught Bible translation software and arranged for Darcie Drymon to come teach consultants how to use smartphones to promote the Scriptures in African languages. Darcie writes, “In the smartphone sessions, participants learned how to use a smartphone to obtain Scripture published in their heart language through mobile apps (Youversion or Bible.is), micro SD cards, and via Bluetooth sharing. Next they practiced tapping on a verse, copying it, and posting to Facebook, sending an email, or texting to another phone. In this way, small bites of God's Word pass quickly into the hands and hearts of people. Here is a brief video of Moise’s excitement after downloading the Bible in his mother tongue, Ngiemboon, to his phone.

Two participants learning to use their smartphones
Knowing that people carry their cell phones with them everywhere and check them many times a day, these African leaders saw that the cell phone is a tool which can get God's Word into the hands and hearts of their people. One participant exclaimed, "The smartphone is a wonderful, powerful and useful tool." His colleague agreed with him when he said, "I can say that the smartphone is a blessing from the Lord for our generation, and maybe for generations to come."
Thanks to those who contributed to help subsidize the cost of the smartphones, bringing the price down to fifty dollars each for the course!
Priscilla was able to accompany me to Sweden for a lexicography workshop, mostly attended by professional dictionary makers in larger languages. Since the sun doesn't set until 10pm, we were able to take the hours after class to walk and enjoy the coastal scenery, enjoying a mini vacation. In the sessions, I was able to demonstrate SIL’s dictionary making tools to the attendees, and they were amazed that we make such powerful tools available for no cost. The Bulgarian team, for one, will be contacting me for help since they are using Word as their dictionary editor. My hope is that we can arrange a training workshop in Bulgaria specifically for them, but then also invite people from active language development projects where Bible translation is a potential.
Priscilla will continue to work through the summer at the Black Forest Academy, but with a modified work schedule. She will be preparing for the new volunteer staff arriving for next school year. Roger just finished his junior year and is now working full time at a summer landscaping job. Kevin is still looking for work in Grand Rapids—unfortunately not the area with the best job opportunities, but at least he can stay with Henry for the time being. Henry is working and preparing for a semester abroad to study French in Grenoble, France—just four hours’ drive from us in Germany.
At the end of July, we will move to a new apartment closer to my office and Black Forest Academy. It is roomier, but comes unfurnished. We are pinching pennies and finding furniture bargains, but would welcome some additional help if you are able as we set up house.
We wish you a pleasant summer and God’s blessings.
Partners in the Gospel, (Phil 1:5)
Doug & Priscilla Higby
Prayer & Praise- Pray for the consultants as they show others how to use smartphones to promote the Scriptures in African languages. May God's Word pass quickly into the hands and hearts of people.
- Pray for Doug as he starts to plan dictionary training workshops. With workshop fees for paying customers, we can subsidize the cost of the travel for Bible translators.
- Black Forest Academy has 28 new volunteer staff scheduled to arrive in August. Pray for their transition to Germany.
- Priscilla will be heading to the States to spend a couple weeks with Kevin and Henry and her family. Continue to pray for Kevin to find employment.