The Higby Herald February 2009 Edition
Dear Friends,
Did you know our house runs on batteries? Hot season has barely started and already the city of Ouagadougou is having trouble keeping up with the demand due to the number of businesses running air conditioners. Frequent power cuts are quite annoying, but our house instantly switches to battery backup power for up to 8 hours until the power is restored. We are thankful to the folks at Mission Aviation Fellowship who introduced us to this technology more than 10 years ago, and we’ve been using it ever since. We do have to fire up our generator if the power cut outlasts our batteries, but are we complaining? Certainly not while Priscilla’s folks in Kentucky are still without power after 14 days – a result of the terrible ice storm. Hang in there Dad & Mom!
Last time we wrote, we shared about Wycliffe’s Last Languages Campaign which is raising an incredible amount of money to get a Bible translation started in every language that needs one. Several people were wondering how this might affect our financial support, but Wycliffe missionaries will continue to depend on support from individuals and churches as we always have. We do benefit from this new campaign, but in a very different way. As I (Doug) write this, I am urgently putting a budget together that will apply some of this money toward getting language software and training into the hands of every existing and new language project across Africa. It is exciting to finally be able to focus on implementing the best strategy rather than on cutting costs from an already restrictive budget. At this critical time, we covet your prayers to help us plan wisely and effectively that we may aim high and remove the barriers that currently stand in the way of bringing training and tools to Bible translators in Africa. During our Christmas vacation trip to Niger and Benin, the animals did their best to hide from us, but we did manage to get right up close to the giraffes and get some wonderful pictures. We ended the trip with a visit to Isaac Matchudo, the pastor/translator who is finalizing the Fulfulde New Testament into the Benin dialect. Sunday we worshipped at the Fulani church, and although we heard reports of their size, my voice faltered as I was asked to address the congregation—so overwhelmed was I at the prospect of being before this throng of more than 100 Fulani believers. In Mali, our two hands were usually enough to count any company of Fulani believers we were with.
We were especially blessed that morning to witness the baptism of 11 new believers! Praise God for what He is doing through the power of His Word and Spirit.
After our return home, we participated in an international meeting for all those involved in Bible translation into the various Fulfulde dialects. I spent two days teaching them to use the Adapt-It software to adapt Scripture from one dialect to another. We were also blessed by our Sunday prayer time together where we learned about the growth of the Fulani church in Niger, with an estimated 600 believers! Without any trained pastors, missionaries are trying to set up a Bible training school. Built on the foundation of the translated Word and seeds sown by many missionaries who have gone before, the Spirit is at work in the hearts of the Fulani.
Our boys are all growing, with Henry and Kevin fast approaching the six foot mark—each hoping to beat the other. We are already making arrangements for them for the summer, and Henry has been accepted to work at Camp Geneva, a Christian camp in Holland, Michigan. We think it will be an excellent experience for him. Kevin won’t turn 16 till the end of the summer, so finding him a job might be more difficult, but he is eager to work!
We press on by God's grace and through your prayers, words of encouragement, and financial support. May the Lord bless you richly in 2009! Partners in the Gospel, Phil 1:5 Doug & Priscilla Higby
Praise and Prayer
- Praise God for the approximately 600 Fulani believers in Niger, and pray for the training of pastors to help lead them in the growing churches.
- Henry just returned from Ghana from his Model United Nations event. This year he represented Japan. Praise God for the excellent schooling and opportunities for Henry, Kevin and Roger.
- Pray for Doug's trip to Cameroon on February 25 and for the 22 students from all over Africa who will be participating in this years' consultant training course. The course has grown each year and the consultants have been making great progress in training the Bible translators in their home countries. New tools and techniques are on the training schedule this year. Please pray for wisdom for Doug and David Rowe who are teaching the course.
- Pray for Priscilla as she manages the school office and runs the household alone for the three weeks Doug is traveling.
- Pray for wisdom for Doug as he budgets for new programs and training events to get the tools into the hands of the Bible translators, and help simplify their task.