Wycliffe's Vision
Wycliffe Bible Translators is driven by the goal of seeing that everyone in the world has access to the Scriptures in their mother tongue, the one they understand the best. Wycliffe’s mission is to assist the Church in making disciples of all nations through Bible translation. We are convinced that Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28) requires going to those nations and communicating not just words, but also the love behind those words. Bible translation is a task that fulfills this call. Essential to any strong, thriving church is access to God’s Word in one’s mother tongue.
Vision 2025 was adopted in 1999 as follows:
Motivated by the pressing need for all peoples to have access to the Word of God in a language that speaks to their hearts, and reaffirming our historic values and our trust in God to accomplish the impossible, we embrace the vision to partner with people around the world so that there will be a Scripture translation in progress in every language that needs it by the year 2025. We acknowledge that this cannot be accomplished simply by our working harder or doing more of what we are now doing. It will require us to make significant changes in our attitudes and ways of working. Our desire is to build capacity for sustainable Bible translation programs and Scripture Use activities.
Our desire is to build capacity for sustainable Bible translation programs and Scripture-use activities. Therefore, we urge each entity within our family of organizations to give priority to strengthening present partnerships, forming additional strategic partnerships, and working together to develop creative approaches appropriate to each context. To this end we commit ourselves to pray for the fulfillment of this vision, seeking God's guidance and obeying Him in whatever new directions He may lead.
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